Thursday, August 5, 2021


Inducing fear in many a heart,
You are an eternal fascination.
But when we take it all apart,
You are at the heart of creation.

Delusions of afterlife abound,
As do ones of cyclical rebirth.
Lost on us is a truth profound,
That all we know is this Earth.

All we see were born,
All we see will die.
Is that really so forlorn?
Or just a rhythm we deny?

A seed becomes a plant one day,
Flowers so beautiful do bloom.
But it too shall wither away,
Is that really a tale of gloom?

To know you is to know life,
A flower's color, smell, joy.
But you cause in many a strife,
Reducing them to your toy.

You are humankind's endless obsession, the ultimate enemy to defeat.
So too are you a source of life's meaning, so often so bittersweet.

1 comment:

  1. Saw your presentation today so landed on the blog. Actually wrote a response :)

    We hear about you everyday
    Are you really that scary?
    People mostly avoid you
    Remain cautious and wary

    If you end everything
    And nothing remains after you
    If you are the conclusion
    Of life's constant hullabaloo

    Then what point is it to living
    Striving endlessly in pain
    Achieving goodness and virtue
    Is it all in vain?

    What about the sudden passing
    Of an infant in his bed?
    What about the sociopath who killed
    A defenseless human about to wed

    What about the Ponzi schemes
    That take advantage of the old
    Their life savings destroyed
    Because somebody had them sold

    On lies and deceit, what evil exists
    This life is rife with unbelievable sins
    And at best, one death sentence
    For one who murdered several without repentance

    How is that fair, any clues?
    How is that just, to what end?
    The only conclusion remains
    Death, you can not be the end
